Certified specialist for commercial and corporate law
Commercial law
In the course of commercial transactions occasionally disputes arise resulting in agreed payments not being made. We enforce claims from commercial transactions out of court and in court, defend against unjustified claims and, if necessary, pursue foreclosure from titles.
Company formation
The formation of a company is not a mere formality to be worked through, but represents an essential entrepreneurial step for each shareholder. The consequences resulting from the partnership agreement are far-reaching, usually vital, and require comprehensive consideration. Therefore, thorough, practice-oriented advice is essential for the formation of a company; merely filling out a standard template in the hope of never having to look at the contract again does not suffice. It is a matter of creating awareness in advance of the formation of the company of those regulations that will be decisive for the partners in the event of a dispute.
Shareholder disputes
Even the best partnership agreement does not protect against disputes among the partners. If disputes arise between partners because obligations under the contracts are violated, differences of opinions in the operative business exist, the interests of the partners no longer coincide, or heirs enter the company and want to sell the business share instead of continuing it, the economic existence of the joint enterprise is threatened. When this happens, viable solutions must be found in compliance with the rules laid down in the articles of association for this eventuality. The solutions can lie in the dismissal of managing directors, the exclusion of a shareholder or the confiscation of shares. The question always arises as to what amount the retiring shareholder will receive as compensation for the loss of his share in the company.
Law of associations
One part of company law is the special subject of the law of associations. In the law of associations, in addition to the usual problems of company law, repeatedly questions of detail occur that can only be solved quickly and to the satisfaction of the association members with in-depth knowledge. When associations are founded perennial issues that are raised again and again by the registers of associations are questions about the demarcation between economic and idealistic associations, disputes about provisions of the articles of association and questions of liability of board members. The tax authorities also have high requirements with regard to the provisions of the articles of association for recognition as a non-profit organisation. With safe and proven formulations, we avoid lengthy tug-of-wars with the registration courts and tax offices.